Facebook Recruiting for Benefits Agencies | Spencer James Group

Facebook, like it or not, is a part of millions of people's daily lives, and because of that fact, it is one of the world's largest advertising platforms. Facebook Business allows companies like yours to advertise to targeted groups of users that meet your goals for ideal candidates. This article explores the basics of organic and paid Facebook recruiting. 

facebook recruiting

Facebook Company Pages Are A Brand Builder, But Not the Only Step

This section may include some information you don't want to hear, and the crux of it is that organic posts from Facebook company pages don't do much in and of themselves. Of course, it is important to maintain a decent amount of updated content and interaction on your company's page on Facebook, because it helps you to present a strong brand presence when people look you up. So, consider your Facebook page as a brand builder, and an outlet for content that you can then use in other avenues to increase interaction and build relationships that get great candidates into your recruiting process

Your company page on Facebook is not going to bring in a flood of candidates for your next Account Executive position, even years after creating and nurturing it. The truth is, to reach a lot of people on Facebook (and Instagram), you have to advertise.  

Facebook Advertising for Recruiting Great Candidates

Successful Facebook advertising has three main elements: audience, ad and budget. Getting these right sometimes requires outside expertise to support your internal recruiting team. It is an art in and of itself. The key is to view Facebook as a complement to your brand building efforts, which can often be underestimated as an important element of recruiting.

Selecting the Right Audience to Recruit Successfully on Facebook

The first step towards success with using Facebook advertising to recruit Account Executives, Sales Directors or Group Reps is to select the right audience. There are many ways to do this, including basic demographics, interests, and pages or companies they follow. Add to this the ability to upload lists to create look-a-like audiences, and even to retarget previous successful visitors, and you've got a lot of options. Make sure you're thoughtful and specific about choosing your audiences and matching them to the right campaigns. 

Creating the Right Ads for Facebook Recruiting

Once you've established the audience you'd like to target (and you can target multiple different audiences and use multiple versions of your content), the next step is to create the right ad for that audience. You'll need a post-like sentence or two, a headline, some copy for your link description and button, and of course, your image or video. Work on how you want to present your company, the open position, or the content you're sharing, and come up with succinct and action-inducing ways to present it. Again, you might want the help of professionals. We use ClearPivot

You can create original content for your ads, link to existing blog posts, or assets like ebooks, and even boost your organic posts to reach as many of the right people as possible.

Setting the Right Budget  

And, the third ingredient for getting Facebook advertising to work for your recruiting goals is your budget. You have to set a sweet spot with your audience size and the money you're spending to reach them. You want to set a daily budget, or lifetime budget, and choose the bidding strategy you think will work best for you to reach your CPC and CPA goals. 

Use Facebook Recruiting to Complement Your Benefits Agency Hiring Goals

Organic and paid Facebook content can allow you to build your brand and get in front of qualified candidates at the same time. Make sure you're creating useful content and posting your actively open roles, so people can engage and share. Put the right content out to the right audience with the right budget, and you'll be well on your way to attracting more top talent. 

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