How to Attract Top Talent Among the Millennial Generation and Keep Them

Millennials. Heavily connected, fiercely political, and markedly different from their Generation X predecessors. This group of tech-savvy and forward thinking individuals born between 1980 and 2000 are quickly taking over a variety of industries. Soon they will be the majority, and as a result, companies both new and old need to understands the needs and wants of the millennial generation, adapting to their lifestyles and implementing these changes as Generation X and baby boomers become more and more scarce is key to surviving in this constantly evolving world.

Bring Your Brand Online

Before you even have the opportunity to hire a millennial, you need to have a plan in place that allows you to attract them. Millennials are always connected. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, all of these are essential and highly effective tools to not only attract top talent, but assure them that the they’re applying to a place that caters to the newest generation of tech-savvy and always-online crowd. It shows that you change with the times, rather than languish in the past. Millennials were born into a world of technological advancement, and it’s important to understand that it’s not just something they want to utilize, it’s something they have to utilize. Therefore, it’s necessary that you and your team grow and adapt to the changing technological landscape by establishing and maintaining a positive, inviting, and “cool” brand across the myriad social media options available.

Accept the Changing Work/Life Balance

During the interview process, it’s important to know that you’re not just interviewing the millennial, they’re interviewing you. Why should they work for you when there are other companies out there offering better perks, better pay, and more opportunities for advancement? We live in a fast-paced world, so it’s a no-brainer to say mirroring that in the workplace while offering opportunities for flexibility and advancement within the company is essential to recruiting the best and the brightest. Priorities have changed for millennials. While some born on the Gen X cusp of the early eighties have opted to marry young and start families, the majority of millennials demand free time for a variety of pursuits. Many companies are therefore turning toward a variety of perks to help keep the work/life balance intact. This often includes flexible hours, an unlimited paid time off policy, and gym memberships. These are often found within the start-up culture, so for more traditional companies and fields, it’s key to not just recognize these changes as essential in recruiting the best talent available, but communicating to your potential new hire that these opportunities are available.

Growth, Not Stagnation

Millennials don’t want to be another cog in the faceless machine. They want to know that they were hired not just to provide a service, but to make a difference for the better. Unlike their predecessors, who often stayed with the same company throughout their career, millennials desire not just flexibility, but the opportunity to grow within a company. Stagnancy is dangerous, so it’s important to provide a number of opportunities not just for career advancement, but knowledge advancement. Without it, you run the risk of your new hire leveraging their time into a better offer with a more modern and progressive company. As such, you should communicate this clearly, opting for transparency rather than obfuscation. Millennials want to know what they’re getting themselves into, and by highlighting the benefits – and downsides – to working with your company and defining the goals clearly, you have a greater chance of weeding out those looking for a gateway job, rather than those looking for a career.


Change can be a scary thing for companies set in their ways, but it’s no secret that millennials are taking over the workforce in record numbers. If your company hopes to attract the best talent among the millennial generation, it’s important to understand their wants and desires are less options than they are necessities, and only in realizing this will companies be able to not just find the best talent, but keep it.

Sources: [1] [2] [3]

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