How the 5 Senses Can Help When Selling Insurance
Insurance is all about facts and numbers. In many ways, it’s very straight-forward, even though there may be variables for your client to consider. But selling insurance, like purchasing, has an emotional component, too.
Tapping into your own five senses allows you to take a holistic approach to selling insurance. It gives you a new outlook on the sales process and on each of your clients. You may even find that it re-energizes you. So let’s take a look at how can you bring all five senses to bear when selling insurance.
This one’s obvious, isn’t it? There is plenty of paperwork for you and your client to look at. But there’s more to sight than reading. Consider how you view each sales opportunity. Gathering information to pre-qualify prospects provides insight into whether they represent a viable opportunity for you. That insight is a reality check. When you can see every potential sale in a realistic light, it’s easier to remember that not every prospect is a red hot lead. It’s OK.
And then there’s eye contact. When you’re selling insurance face-to-face, making eye contact shows you’re paying attention. No eye contact feels shifty to your prospect, and too much feels like staring.
This is another obvious one: listening. Unfortunately, all too often sales people – even veteran professionals – get so wrapped up in what they want to say that they forget to listen. When you focus on drawing out your client first, you’ll learn more about their desires as well as their basic insurance needs. Often, it takes people a while to get comfortable with you, so the longer you listen, the more likely you are to get the details you need. Then you can tailor your response to them rather than making a standard sales pitch.
Take notes. It shows you care. Besides, no sales person is good enough to remember every detail of every conversation. And turn your phone off or set it to vibrate. Nothing is more rude than a phone ringing in the middle of a “personal” meeting – unless, of course, you answer the call.
No, don’t sniff your prospects! We’re taking a little creative license here. As a sales pro, you know that some accounts just give off a bad odor. Perhaps the property is in poor condition, the prospect has a serious loss history, or all they’re interested in is the lowest price policy. Should you try to salvage this sale, or walk away? With a well-honed sense of smell, you can make better decisions.
Remember that prospects usually know when they smell “off” to you. Your willingness to take them on anyway and use your risk management expertise to help them could gain you a loyal client for life.
No, don’t touch your prospects, either! At least not physically. We’re talking about staying in touch with prospects and clients. Not just that annual renewal reminder, but periodically throughout the year. When should you reach out? That depends on each client, so here’s another instance in which knowing them well can serve you better. Do they want advice? Help understanding audits, engineering or other insurance issues? Price comparisons? Helpful tips on getting the most from their insurance?
Do they prefer electronic touches such as texts or email? Phone calls? A personal visit? Since each client is different, create a personalized action plan for each one. And schedule visits in advance, so they’re convenient. Do not claim you’ll “be in the area and would like to drop by.” Everyone knows that’s a ploy, so it’s disrespectful.
Treat each prospect and client like the important individual they are, by using all your senses. You’ll develop great relationships based on mutual respect and personalized attention. That leaves a great taste in everyone’s mouth. And long-lasting relationships will sweeten your insurance sales number, too.