Optimizing Your Recruiting Website SEO to Attract Top Talent

Whether you’re a recruiting firm or simply a growing company, there’s nothing more important than a SEO-optimized website to help you attract the best available talent. For many, however, simple oversights often lead to quality recruits never seeing your advertisement or even learning about your company, resulting in time being wasted and work spaces remaining empty. By following these steps, you can help increase the chances of your website and job advertisements being seen by the best possible candidates available.

Use the Right Keywords

Keywords are one of the most important aspects of search engine optimization, and certainly one of the easiest to implement. By conducting some simple research on what people are searching your, you can optimize your landing pages and individual job postings to be highly keyword relevant and thus perform better in searches. This is especially true for industries that utilize unique job titles and terminology in their descriptions. By highlighting the skills and qualities desired in these positions in the job description, titles, and meta titles of both the landing pages and unique job posting pages, you increase your chances of becoming more relevant in a diverse and constantly evolving employment landscape.

Unique Content is Key

No matter what your goal online is, creating original and compelling keyword-optimized content is essential. Aside from aiding in search engine indexing, it affords a number of opportunities for back-linking, allows you to expand on job descriptions and specific areas of expertise, and promote shareability. Post frequently – a few times or more per week – and make sure each post is optimized for SEO.

Make Your Site User-Friendly

It’s one thing to attract new users, but keeping them on your website is a necessary but often overlooked step in the conversion process. Poor navigation and burying information under countless links and pages is a surefire way to prevent people from staying on your website, which in turns leads to losing out on top quality prospects. Furthermore, we live in an increasingly mobile world, and therefore making your website dynamic and capable of mobile browsing is essential to help you stand out from the pack.

Include Videos

Did you know that videos are an often overlooked aspect of search engine optimization that can help with search results? According to one study, YouTube is the second largest search engine (with Google being the first), and the regular posting of videos can increase site traffic almost threefold. Videos can also help convey a true sense of your brand and your company. Videos will allow your company to stand out while highlighting key aspects of your company and job description that often get ignored through simple text.


Recruiting the best possible talent doesn’t need to be a difficult process, but without proper search engine optimization, it certainly can be. Thankfully, these helpful hints are simple to implement, and can lead you down the path to recruitment success.

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